RPC Publications and Documents for Download

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"Training Notes for Community Animal Health Workers" A training manual for community animal health workers produced by the Small Scale Livestock and Livelihoods Program (SSLLP) and based on the FAO's "Manual for the primary animal health care worker". Individual chapters are presented for download.
RPC Training Manual on Newcastle disease vaccination (PDF 750 kB) A comprehensive training manual on Newcastle disease vaccination targeting lead farmers. Uses simple language with lots of illustrations.
Matenda a Chitopa ndi Katemera wa Nkhuku Kumadera a Kumidzi - Buku Lophunzitsira (PDF 750 kB)
Same as the above manual, in Chichewa.
A comparison of Newcastle disease vaccines available in Malawi (PDF 75 kB) A brief summary of some of the more important features of the live Newcastle disease vaccines currently available in Malawi.
Vaccination for Small Scale Commercial Poultry (PDF 90 kB) Examples of indicative vaccination schedules used by some small scale poultry producers in Malawi
Newcastle Disease Vaccination and Husbandry Practices in Village Chickens in Central Malawi (PDF 320 kB) Yes, Newcastle disease vaccination works wonders! A concise scientific summary of the survey conducted towards the end of the vaccination project in Ntchisi, Malawi.
Product brochure on the I‑2 strain of ND vaccine (PDF 118 kB)
A brief description and guidelines for administration of the I‑2 Newcastle disease vaccine. Designed for distribution with the vaccine.
Chidziwitso: Za katemera wa chitopa cha nkhuku: Mtundu wa I‑2 (Chichewa - PDF 118 kB)
A brief description and guidelines for administration of the I‑2 Newcastle disease vaccine. Designed for distribution with the vaccine (Chichewa).
Web version
Chidziwitso: Alimi Ayenera Kudziwa za Matenda a Chitopa ndi Katemera wa I‑2 (PDF 52 kB) Advisory note on what farmers should know about Newcastle disease and the I‑2 vaccine (Chichewa).
Web version
Chidziwitso cha Matenda a Mthomba ya Nkhuku (Chikwirikwiti) (PDF 90 kB) Advisory note on fowl pox in chickens (Chichewa).
Web version
Chidziwitso: Matenda a Kutupa Maso Komanso Mutu ku Nkhuku (PDF 170 kB) Advisory note on swollen head/eyes commonly seen in chickens (Chichewa).
Web version
Chidziwitso: Nthata za maso a nkhuku zofiira (PDF 280 kB) Advisory note on stick fast fleas in chickens (Chichewa).
Web version
A Guide to Guinea Fowl Farming in Malawi - Anne Downes. 1999 (PDF 425 kB) A useful guide to all aspects of guinea fowl farming, including everything from their characteristics, housing, feeding, breeding, diseases, and even how to cook them! Kindly provided by the National Parks and Wildlife Service of Malawi.
Vaccination Services for Rural Poultry in Malawi - 20 Nov 2019 (PDF 100 kB) An overview of the current situation as regards vaccination of rural poultry, to identify constraints, risks, and opportunities, and to look forward over the next few years to assess likely needs and options for development.
Promotion of Poultry for Egg Production (PDF 500 kB) Technical manual for small scale poultry farms engaged in egg production. (English version)
Kulimbikitsa Ulimi wa Nkhuku za Mazira (PDF 500 kB) Technical manual for small scale poultry farms engaged in egg production. (Chichewa version)
A Supply Chain Analysis of Indigenous Chickens and Eggs in Dowa District - Adija W. Masambo (PDF 712 kB) A report on a project undertaken by Adija Masambo as part of the requirements for her bachelors degree in animal science at the LUANAR Bunda Campus. Adija's study was sponsored within the RPC education program.
Final Report - Improving Rural Livelihoods in Malawi Through Village Poultry (PDF 302 kB) The final report on the USD $20,000 two year project in Ntchisi conducted by RPC and funded through the GRM International Communities 1st program with support from the Kyeema Foundation.
Effects of soybean and maize bran supplementation on production, fertility and carcass yield of local chickens under scavenging condition in Lilongwe, Malawi. Gadama et al. 2015 (PDF 1.0 MB) A study done by a small group of Animal Science students at LUANAR Bunda campus. It demonstrated significant increases in both carcase weight (about 30%) and egg production (about 10%) using a simple feed supplement available in rural Malawi.
Rations for Chickens
(PDF 100 kB)
A brief discussion of rations for chickens and a few sample rations which may be suitable for supplementary feeding in Malawi, with estimated approximate crude protein levels. This document may be of particular interest to small scale commercial producers who wish to mix their own rations.

RPC operates a least cost ration service for home mixers, based on ingredients commonly available in Malawi. More information is available from us.
From A to Z - Vaccination of village chickens with the I‑2 Newcastle disease vaccine (PDF 64 kB) An overview of all you need if you wish to institute a community based Newcastle disease vaccination program. It has been designed for use by volunteers in the US Peace Corps program but may well be taken up by people who work similarly in close collaboration with rural communities.
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Regional Newcastle Disease Control Project (PDF 822 kB)

A wide ranging report on progress of the Regional Newcastle Disease Control Project in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. This report emphasises:
  • the importance of motivation and education of communities so that the benefits of vaccination are well understood;
  • the need for motivation and empowerment of community vaccinators;
  • the need for sustainable financing, smooth functioning and quality control in vaccine production units; and
  • the need to support the emergence of a demand driven system operating on a broad country-wide basis
End of project evaluation - Malingunde NDV project (PDF 135 kB)
A brief report showing the effectiveness of Newcastle disease vaccination with the I‑2 vaccine at Malingunde in Malawi, 2010. Farmers who had not vaccinated lost 2.6 times as many chickens to Newcastle disease as those who had vaccinated.
Training Notes for Community Animal Health Workers (Listed chapters)
A training manual for community animal health workers produced by the Small Scale Livestock and Livelihoods Program (SSLLP) and based on the FAO's "Manual for the primary animal health care worker". Individual chapters are presented for download.

How an Australian vaccine is helping rural communities in Africa.
Celia Grenning explains.

Does I-2 really work?
Yes, and here's how...

An old story now
but one of our best.
