RPC Resource Centre - Services, Downloads, Links

Here, we present a few useful links to websites and documents on rural poultry.

Filters: A: Poultry development B: Nutrition/feeding C: Newcastle disease D: Diseases etc E: Guinea fowl F: Quails
Cluckin - sundry and generous information about chicken raising internet-icon-32.png
Family poultry development - Issues, opportunities and constraints. 2014. FAO Manual. pdficon-32.png
Poultry Development Review. 2013. FAO working paper. pdficon-32.png
- Poultry Development Review. Links to individual chapters. internet-icon-32.png
Small-scale poultry production. 2004. FAO manual. internet-icon-32.png pdficon-32.png
Poultry for Profit and Pleasure. 2004. Clarke B. FAO pdficon-32.png
Proceedings of a Workshop. Poultry as a Tool in Poverty Eradication and Promotion of Gender Equality. 1999. FAO workshop, Denmark. internet-icon-32.png
Workshop on Smallholder Poultry Development. University of Natal, South Africa, October 2003 pdficon-32.png
Small-scale chicken production - Agromisa, CTA, WPSA pdficon-32.png
Keeping Village Poultry - Network for Smallholder Poultry Development pdficon-32.png
Improved Practices in Rearing Indigenous Chickens - CTA pdficon-32.png
A Guide to Guinea Fowl Farming in Malawi - Anne Downes. 1999 pdficon-32.png
Improving village chicken production: a manual for field workers and trainers. Ahlers et al. 2009. ACIAR Monograph No 139. internet-icon-32.png pdficon-32.png
- Improving village chicken production - part 1 pdficon-32.png
- Improving village chicken production - part 2 pdficon-32.png
- Improving village chicken production - part 3 pdficon-32.png
- Improving village chicken production - part 4 pdficon-32.png
Village chicken production systems in rural Africa - Household food security and gender issues. 1998. FAO. A J Kitalyi internet-icon-32.png
Nutrient Requirements of Poultry - National Research Council internet-icon-32.png
How much will my chickens eat? - Univ Kentucky, 2012 pdficon-32.png
Feeding Chickens - ATTRA, 1998 pdficon-32.png
Pastured-Raised Poultry Nutrition - Jeff Mattocks - Heifer International, 2002 pdficon-32.png
Effects of feed supplementation of local chickens in Lilongwe, Malawi. Gadama et al. 2015 pdficon-32.png
Diseases of Poultry - the Poultry Site internet-icon-32.png
The Merck Veterinary Manual - Poultry Section internet-icon-32.png
Poultry disease handbook for Africa. 2009. Peter L. Msoffe and Carol J. Cardona pdficon-32.png
Manual on meat inspection for developing countries. 1994. FAO. Chapter 7. Specific Diseases of Poultry. internet-icon-32.png pdficon-32.png
Newcastle disease - fast facts. Iowa State Univ. 2008 pdficon-32.png
A comparison of Newcastle disease vaccines available in Malawi. Rural Poultry Centre in Malawi. pdficon-32.png
Sustainable Control of Newcastle Disease in Village Poultry. 2012. FAO Review. Alders et al pdficon-32.png
Village chickens, poverty alleviation and the sustainable control of Newcastle disease. Proc. 2009. Alders et al. pdficon-32.png
Controlling Newcastle disease in village chickens: a training manual. 2001. Alders et al. pdficon-32.png
Controlling Newcastle disease in village chickens: a field manual. 2001. Alders and Spradbrow. pdficon-32.png
Controlling Newcastle disease in village chickens: a laboratory manual - 2nd edition. 2012. Young et al. pdficon-32.png
Veterinary Cold Chain Manual: ensuring effective vaccines. 2015. Young et al. ACIAR Monograph No. 165a. pdficon-32.png
A Basic Laboratory Manual for the Small-Scale Production and Testing of I-2 Newcastle Disease Vaccine. FAO. 2002. Sally Grimes internet-icon-32.png pdficon-32.png
A manual for practitioners in community-based animal health outreach (CAHO) for highly pathogenic avian influenza. ILRI/FAO 2009. pdficon-32.png
Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Control of Poultry Parasites. Permin and Hansen. FAO. 1998 pdficon-32.png
Cannibalism by Poultry. University of Nebraska. 2007. Scheideler and Shields. pdficon-32.png
External parasites on chickens. 2002. Dept Agric. South Africa. pdficon-32.png
External Parasites of Poultry. 2013. University of Florida. P E Kaufman pdficon-32.png
Common Lice and Mites of Poultry: Identification and Treatment. 2005. Univ. Calif. Davis. Pub. No: 8162. pdficon-32.png
Poultry Pest Management. 1995. Ohio State University pdficon-32.png
Insecticide Control on Poultry (ENT-28). 2015. University of Kentucky pdficon-32.png
Quail Farming in Tropical Regions - Ricarda Mondry - CTA pdficon-32.png
Introduction to Quail Farming Business Plan - Jagdish Reddy internet-icon-32.png

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A quarter million chickens
and counting...

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Yes, and here's how...
