Coronavirus notwithstanding, the time has come for our fourth annual photography competition. As always, it's a joint effort by RPC and the Kyeema Foundation. We had a marvellous response last year with many outstanding entries, so we want to press on as best we can.
This year however, after consultation with our friends at Kyeema, we are doing things a little differently. Given the current crisis with COVID-19, our competition will not be held as a fund-raiser (although of course, any donations will be gladly and gratefully accepted). Rather we are working towards a theme of "Chickens of the World" in the hope of collecting photos from a wide range of countries to proudly display and talk about.
The competition starts now and will finish on 30 June. We would love it if you can submit your photos via the Rural Poultry Centre website or via an email to RPC.
Our three winning entries will be announced in July. We make the most of submitted photos by using them in our publications and presentations. We use the winning entries to print blank greeting cards like the one here, which are presented to the winners.
Enough. I'll write again soon to tell you about our work in Mchinji. Wishing you a safe passage through these uncertain times.
Pat Boland
24 April 2020