What's happening...


Chickens for Africa - The Outcome

I'll confess to a feeling of relief in letting you know the 'Chickens for Africa' fund-raising photographic competition was a great success. We didn't know what to expect as we've never tried anything quite like this before.

Many people submitted photographs and about 28 were shortlisted for independent judging. Thank you all!


On the fund-raising side, we received AUD $8,830 which was very close to our target. Thank you all again! We estimate this amount will be sufficient to train over 80 community based vaccinators in remote areas of Malawi and Mozambique. Based on past experience, we can be confident these vaccinators will reach at least 2,000 families and bring lasting benefits to 10,000 people through control of Newcastle disease in village poultry.


And forgive me for harping but we've checked our facts and it's definitely all worthwhile.

Enough for now! We'll be in touch again soon. Wish us luck!

With best regards,

Pat Boland

17 July 2017

A little story
about our impact

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