Our Core Pillars of Governance

Although small, RPC prides itself on being in company with leading Malawian NGOs in terms of adherence to principles of good governance and accountability. And we realise that this is an ongoing task.

Good governance is not mere financial accountability and respect for the law. It is integral to all aspects of our interactions with the world around us: the donors, the beneficiaries, the collaborating partners, the contractors, the volunteers, the wide spectrum of people to whom we owe values of transparency, accountability and respect. We address these responsibilities under these four Core Pillars of Governance:

Ethical conduct
Staff orientation

Inclusive approach
Participatory relationships
Consensus oriented

People oriented
Teaming and respect
Professional development & succession
Cultural diversity

Keep it simple
Learn from others

Nice words, we know. But we also know that full commitment to these values is easier said than done. That's why we ensure we incorporate them into our management and activities at all levels. Here's how:

  • We develop, maintain and regularly review a raft of policy statements, standards and guidelines, the more significant of which are freely available via our website. We build into our Board meeting agenda, routines for ensuring that the necessary checks and reviews are not overlooked over time.
  • We commit as individuals and as a team. From the moment of engagement, our staff are oriented in our policies, values and our working ethos. That includes a comprehensive understanding of the expectations of the organisation and a commitment to ethical conduct, mutual respect, tolerance and protection of human rights, and respect for accepted principles of animal welfare.
  • We understand the importance of working as a cohesive team. We foster an environment in which we value each other and understand our strengths, vulnerabilities and idiosyncrasies. We understand and commit to the RPC corporate mission and we value the various pathways to achieving our goals.
  • We strive to adapt to a changing environment. We plan ahead for smooth staff succession. We ensure we are ready for both opportunities and challenges. We take maximum advantage of collaboration and partnerships without surrendering our independence.
  • We contribute to Malawi's development through activities marked by harmony and partnership with the objective of constructive, inclusive, and sustainable development.
  • We don't merely assist rural communities nor do we impose our ideas. We promote local agency. We avoid a 'top down' approach and we take care not to undermine local knowledge, skills and resources. We partner with rural communities. We work together with them in an atmosphere of respect for their dignity, wisdom, culture and values, as we make a path for improvement to their circumstances and their future.
  • We maintain open and transparent mechanisms of accountability to stakeholders. We publish annual reports and regular updates to our work. We share knowledge of our activities, our successes and our challenges. We learn from like-minded institutions through collaboration and liaison.
  • We respect all stakeholders participating in our sector, be they from communities, government, other NGOs, donors or international institutions.
  • We are responsive to criticism; we make no claim to be perfect. Hence we have established and communicated clear processes by which staff or members of the wider community may make complaints or express grievances and processes for responding to those grievances.

A little story
about our impact

How an Australian vaccine is helping rural communities in Africa.
Celia Grenning explains.

An old story now
but one of our best.
